Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Medallion Qualification Miles Without Flying

12 of 12 in January

Today I once in the morning to the intended date ...

why I'm back at it when it says:
"Curtain up for 12 of 12 ".

The first picture I did not shoot, no, I was tagged ;-))
And although the love Lilly .

I am most grateful and
shock following blog before (ha, was really difficult. There are sooooooooo many and even some of my "favorites" were called).

I do not know if you ever annehmt Awards? And perhaps you have been tagged already, too!

You have been tagged and want to participate?
create a post, adding the Love Blog & the image posting instructions reinkopierst
(= the text you just reads).

you should also link to the blog of the person who gave you the award & they inform per Kommetar in her blog that you annimst her the award and the link of your award leave some posts.
Then you are thinking about you 3-5 favorite blogs that you link team as well in your post and the owners respectively by Kommetar - function will inform that they have been tagged and here ebfalls angibst the link of the post, in which the declaration is.

love blogger: The aim of this action is that we bring unknown, good blogs to light, so I would ask you not Blogs to items that already have been 3,000 readers, but talented beginners and people who blog but has been a while, but still not known.

So, now I take my morning but in Brain attack ...

And now, hop, hop, fast turn on my good impatiens and off you go!

Aha, even the car will have a bit of food ...

Here is discharged, the beer is still the horse and cart ;-))

finally arrived. Beautiful warmers, woman Prachmais !

Beir you, dear Simone , there is always something to laugh about.

hush, hush, on the border, a few buyers want to be made.
will go first lady sweet substance, but a ride on school bus ;-))

So, stocks replenished.

And the little machine with the new material is already ...

time, the studio to get rid of the Christmas decorations and a touch slow to catch spring.

My studio is open every Saturday from 9-12 Clock (or by appointment).
Maybe you'll find the way even to me?
I'm looking!

glg I wish you all a pleasant evening,

Ps Here has woman jug again mobilized their secretary!


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