Wednesday, July 8, 2009

How To Program Things Remembered Heart Remote

For our customers, we have some positive change.
will now never happen again we need to remind our customers with the water in the dry season very sparingly. We can make a so-called perforation. Eleven feet deep, down to the water table, we can drill. This is even deeper than the sea level. From there the water is now pumped into our pressure tank from where it is veteilt in all cottages. Unlike our neighbors, we had it lucky. WHILE many in Cahuita very high pumping water containing iron and so everything is red, the water is with us from very high quality, very clear, no taste of iron.
Another plus for our customers is the telephone. Since February, Wolf Song, not only mobile but also a solid connection and above all ..... Wolf Song has Wi - Fi Internet. On the whole Wolf Song area so you can now always and everywhere free of charge into the Internet!
The third major innovation at Wolf Song is the laundry house. Our customers no longer need the road to Cahuita Center to take us under their feet when they need some clean laundry. In February, our wash house was completed and equipped with washing machine and dryer. What this more especially is: is at Wolf Song washed with hot water. I know, normal - do you think. Not. Here is something really special and we are glad to have everything set up. Money well spent.
So you can find us easier now stands on the main street of Playa Negra, a guide. In addition, the Wolf Song area now also what others are building a very first thing. A goal! The purpose of this is mainly the horse is not permanently lost in the customer area, contaminating it and especially erode all of our fine plants.


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