Friday, November 5, 2010

Ultimate Buy And Hold Through Vanguard

Sometimes one is not destined to follow a straight path.

As I mentioned somewhere at some point in any post office (or at least in my bio?), I study history and Germanic studies. To become a teacher.
Current teacher (pre) judge are probably just in your head.

No, I'm studying this because
I then secured a job.
I was for something else not good enough.
It is through this program (supposedly) can muddle through so wonderfully.

have to be honest, I probably no secure job. My subject combination (and I hear ever since the first term) is probably the most frequently studied and therefore it is for me to be with my attitude a bit tight. If not very close.
But of course, which has a well-prepared teachers? True, Plan B and C.

Plan B would be now that I have been studying a third subject. Supposedly then increases the normal period of two semesters. But honestly, I do not study 11 semesters, only to make only my first exam.
Plan C also. If really all else fails, I look for a job to me as a reader. In itself an interesting perspective for me, although I would rather be in the social sector.

Be always prepared. For everything. You never know :-)


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